October 13, 2022

IQM Studio equips your QA teams with the ability to generate high coverage tests and scripts. IQM Studio changes the way test cases and test scripts are designed and built. SwiftlyTM, Orca Intelligence’s requirements generation tool, with IQM Studio, Critical Logic’s tool that generates and executes tests, eliminating coding for test automation. Combined, our tools

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April 26, 2022

In the software testing game it is all about the details.  Testing is really a simple thing to describe; does the software behave as expected?  The complexity comes in knowing the details of what to expect and then designing tests to verify the behavior is as expected. If I personally defined the requirements or designed

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February 15, 2022

IQM Studio is an analytical tool that lets you visually represent rules from requirements, automatically create an optimized test set, and generate automation scripts without ever having to write a single line of code with Keywords!

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