Unleash the full power of SpiraPlan, SpiraTest, and Rapise with

Critical Logic by your side!

Equip your QA Teams with the ability to generate high coverage tests and scripts!

As a Platinum Inflectra Partner, we excel at ramping up customers’ capabilities with Inflectra’s toolset. Whether you’re a new user of Inflectra’s tools or a longer-term user looking to unlock the full potential of Spira or Rapise, Critical Logic can help. Our Power Up service is designed to allow our solution architects to build a roadmap that takes your organization’s unique position, challenges, and goals into account ensuring successful Spira or Rapise implementation and adoption.

"Evan kept our project on track

(and was flexible to changes in our project scope and schedule) and Arron's insight and knowledge with Rapise and automated testing was exactly what we needed to move forward and build a reliable test."

-Laura Dougan, QA Manager

Protech Associates

The strength of the Critical Logic/Inflectra partnership is showcased by our technology integration. IQM Studio from Critical Logic is a powerful modeling tool that can automatically generate test cases and automation scripts that can be fed directly into SpiraTest and Rapise!

Requirements Management | SpiraTest

Manage requirements, features and use cases with Inflectra's powerful SpiraTest QA tool for test management.

Our integration allows you to represent your requirements from SpiraTest in IQM Studio which can then generate a high coverage optimized set of test cases.

Visual Representation | IQM Studio

By creating a visual representation of the model using IQM Studio, you can gain a common understanding of the requirements between SMEs, BAs, Managers, and Developers!

Our tool provides traceability from test cases to requirements or user stories to quickly understand your requirement coverage.

Automatic Sync Feature

Our Sync feature lets you automatically upload your model-generated tests and scripts to your SpiraTest project and will indicate when a newer version of a test or script is available so that you always have the most up to date test library.

Check out the video below to see this in action!

Integrated Quality Management
