Homepage – Updated 10-24 Forums Cause Effect Modeling (CEM) with IQM Modeling Fix model with test case that ends in a cause


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  • #3836
    Evan Masters

    If a model is generated and one or more test cases end in a Cause, a warning will be displayed on the generate window and in the Model Review Matrix as seen in the screenshots below:

    Ends in a cause_MRM

    In the example above, using the Model Review Matrix (MRM), we can see that both tests 2 and 3 end in a cause. This is because N3 has a logic type of AND which is only true when all inputs are true. N1 is false in test 1 and N2 is false in test 3. There isn’t an effect for when one of these causes is false. We can fix this by adding another node with a logic type of OR and taking the false links from N1 and N2 into this new node:

    Does not end in a cause

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Evan Masters.
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