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  • #3560
    Arron Rickert

    Video Short demo: Action Narratives and Help in TMX

    When building an Action in TMX, it’s easy to focus on the necessary code. But don’t forget the Narrative and Help text!

    The Action Narrative is what provides the easy-to-read, meant-for-human-consumption, text views used in TMX.
    These Action Narratives are seen in the Test Editor (when in Narrative Step Description format)

    and in the Test Narrative tab.

    Arron Rickert

    In the Action Narrative tab, the pictured example shows tokens present (ex. ‘{Object}’).

    These tokens are selectable via the Argument Popup List (‘Arg Popup’ menu option or icon)

    The Arguments List shows 3 types to choose from:
    1. Local – these are the arguments for the given action
    2. Properties – these are test, set, and system property values
    3. System – these are object values, test values, window and database values

    Any of these arguments can be selected and placed into your Narrative (or Help text) as tokens. Then, when this action is used as a step in a test, at that time TMX will resolve the token value and automatically put the token value in-place of the token in the Narrative (or Help) text.

    Using tokens, you can make your Narratives (or Help) text much more robust and informative by including values of the Action input arguments, or the name of the Object, or the test name, etc..

    Arron Rickert

    The Action Help text works the same as the Narrative as far as creation (ie. tokens, etc.) in the Action Editor.
    Help is meant to provide details and/or instructions on how or when to use the given Action.
    The Action Help is viewed by clicking the ‘Action Help’ menu option in the Step Editor window.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Arron Rickert.
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