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September 19, 2023

Accelerate Agile Testing: Boost Efficiency with Keyword-Driven Automation

Evan Masters
 minute read

As the world becomes more dependent on technology, the demand for software increases, and the need for quality assurance engineers becomes indispensable. In agile testing, quality assurance engineers must use automation testing methods to keep up with the fast-paced work environment. Keyword-driven automation is a method of automation testing that helps manage and increase the efficiency of testing. This blog post will explain keyword-driven automation and demonstrate how it can help accelerate your agile testing.

What is Keyword-Driven Automation Testing?

Keyword-driven automated testing is a method of testing where actions are defined as keywords, making it easier for quality assurance engineers to create test scenarios & scripts, and ensure that these tests meet the specifications of the requirements. Keywords are the building blocks that help simplify testing, execute test cases, and reduce time spent on testing. They also help maintain and reuse test cases for future testing cycles, saving time and increasing testing efficiency.

Benefits of Keyword-Driven Automation Testing

Keyword-driven automated testing offers many benefits to agile testing processes. First, it helps create scripts faster and makes them easy to understand by associating a human-readable 'narrative' version of the automation script, allowing the automated test to be reviewed by non-technical resources. Second, it drastically reduces the maintenance burden that accompanies most test script libraries. When a keyword is updated, the change to the keyword automatically propagates to every script that uses that keyword, meaning you only need to make the change in one place. Third, it helps create a flexible and scalable automation framework that can be reused, modified, and maintained as per the requirements and changes in the project.

How Keyword-Driven Automation Testing Helps Agile Testing

Agile testing is the process of testing in an agile environment where the requirements often change, and time is limited. Keyword-driven automation testing helps agile testing by making test cases scalable, reusable, and maintainable. It also helps reduce the testing cycle time by identifying and addressing defects earlier in the process, thus reducing the feedback loop time. This makes agile testing more efficient and effective, as it helps meet the goals of quality assurance engineers and stakeholders.

Best Practices for Keyword-Driven Automation

To ensure effective and efficient implementation of keyword-driven automation testing, it’s essential to follow best practices. Quality assurance engineers should focus on building a robust foundation of keywords, follow an agile methodology and testing framework, maintain test scripts and scenarios, and communicate effectively with the team. Effective communication helps ensure that all members of the team share a common understanding of what is being tested, the testing process, and the results, ensuring quality throughout the development process.

Tools for Keyword-Driven Automation Testing

Several tools in the market can help quality assurance engineers implement keyword-driven automation testing. Selenium WebDriver, Katalon Studio, Ranorex, and Rapise from Inflectra are some of the popular tools that can be used to automate test cases. These tools are designed to create, execute, and maintain test cases with keywords, making it easy for quality assurance engineers to manage test scenarios and scripts.

Keyword-driven automation testing is a powerful automated testing methodology and an excellent way to boost agile testing processes. It simplifies testing, making it easy to manage and maintain test scripts and scenarios. The benefits of keyword-driven automation testing are many, and it can help agile teams deliver more efficient, effective, and top-quality software. Quality assurance engineers must have a solid understanding of automation testing tools and techniques, especially keyword-driven automation testing, to create an efficient test automation framework that can be successful at an agile pace. With the right tools in hand and a solid understanding of best practices, quality assurance engineers can turbocharge their agile testing and help organizations deliver high-quality software products.

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